The practice of 'returning to calm' is about the journey, rather than the destination, and very individual. It is how you modify your personal stress response that makes this calm down ritual, a practice.
We have found some active ways to increases skills in detaching from growing anxiety, stress or alarm. Deep breathing, mindful meditation, laughter, or physical exercise, voxie has suggested some ideas and techniques, that can help bring you back to a calm baseline.
What works best for you?
We suggest, you practice a few of these relaxation techniques, and see what makes you feel the most comfortable. Training, from that first inkling of 'trouble', to breathe, assess and ground yourself in calm and safety, tells your mind, to tell your cells, that this perceived threat is manageable.
Practicing this mantra of 'return to calm', and ritualize your best responses, makes these meditation techniques one of the most valuable tools in your kit.